terça-feira, abril 03, 2007

new7wonders - The Hagia Sophia - Istanbul, Turkey - Basílica de Santa Sofia (532 – 537 d.C.) Istambul, Turquia

The Hagia Sophia was erected during the reign of Emperor Justinian (532 - 537 A.D.), when the Byzantine Empire was at the height of its power and influence. The massive dome, which is the prominent architectural feature, has since often been used as a model for the design of Islamic mosques. Indeed, after the fall of Byzantium, the Hagia Sophia was converted into an Ottoman mosque. Today, the monument is a museum serving both Christians and Muslims. MORE

A Basílica de Santa Sofia foi construída durante o reinado do imperador Justiniano (532 – 537 d.C.), quando o império bizantino se encontrava no auge do seu poder e influência. A gigantesca cúpula, que constitui a sua característica arquitetônica mais marcante, tem desde então servido de modelo para a construção das mesquitas islâmicas. De fato, após a queda de Bizâncio, a Santa Sofia foi convertida em mesquita otomana. Atualmente o monumento é um museu que contempla tanto a religião cristã como a muçulmana.

Video: The Hagia Sophia - Basílica de Santa Sofia

5 comentários:

  1. Hi there my friend!
    I saw it when I was last in Turkey...impresive!

  2. I just found out I'll be going back there this year...if so then I'll take some fotos for your blog!

  3. Muy bonito!! saludos de Argentina

  4. my beautiful istanbul

    I missed very much -I'm from istanbul but living in Belgium

    I missed of the ambiance of Bosphore and the many other things:)
    so I'm dreaming of my city oftenly

    its MAGiC

